Tuesday, April 1, 2008

i HATE the RSS feeds on April 1st

oh holy jeebus, there was twice the number of RSS entries today and damn nearly all of them were filled with "haha, fools day" -- i felt like taking a $#!t on my reader.

the only saving grace was the bazillion Mr.T cameos from Gizmodo's posts.

i couldn't tell if the video card releases from both nVidia and ATI were real because i was p33ing on the screen.

all of the autoblog entries were useless, "cars now eco friendly made from TP and water proof." no, really, how about this: "Double-decker smart fortwo a little top-heavy":

be sure to see this to the end if you watch this

you can never tell which of the MAKE:Magazine projects are fake -- because, i mean, have you seen some of the projects they feature? none of them look like they would work... you know, ever since the first issue came out.

even the podcasts i listen to and video shows i watch are all in this f$@kfest.

crikey, i would rather them take a day off than me trying to scan through the piles of @$$ while scraping my eyes out with chopsticks...

BTW, i still Ars Technica, Autoblog, Gizmodo, Make:Magazine and Systm

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